We believe practicing and participating in the sport of archery is a very beneficial recreational therapy for disabled veterans.

Another excellent class gathering at Fort Grard Archery on September 19, 2019. We had four new Vets join us from the VA Homeless Vet Recovery Program.

This vet was introduced to archery in 2015. Today, he has developed skills by participation in our program good enough to compete nationally!

We believe practicing and participating in the sport of archery is a very beneficial recreational therapy for disabled veterans.

"Archery has done so much for me. First, it allows me to feel like I'm a part of a team again since being injured. It helps me deal with my PTSD, TBI, C/L Spine Fusions and other injuries. With archery you can have fun with a low impact sport".
Hear what other disabled veterans have to say about how archery​ is helping them to improve the quality of their life!

Our own AFH Board Member and Southeast Director has established our second Arrows For Heroes Chapter in South Carolina.
Check out the South Carolina Chapter here!
We want to thank Randy Grard for his gracious support to the Arrows For Heroes Program and participating Veterans. In addition to providing his outstanding facilities for our practice sessions, Randy makes sure all of our archers bows are in tip top shape and safe to shoot. We believe we are most fortunate to have one of the best bow technicians in the Country available to help our disabled veterans maintain their equipment!
Fort Grard Archery is a big supporter of
Arrows For Heroes!

Take a moment to check out Randy's incredible Fort Grard Guns and Archery facility here.
We will be offering Arrows For Heroes gear as a part of our fund raising effort. Check here often for our new selection of gear!